DA / CC / CDC Submissions

About DA / CA / CDC Submissions

If you need a Development Application (DA) or Complying Development Certificate (CDC) for a proposed development. The process can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming. That’s where we can help you with the process and application, without you breaking any sweat.

Normally, an application is needed when these are complex developments, or those that Council thinks might impact on neighbours or be potentially unsuitable for an area. We will help you with all the documents required to move the application and submit it and also in fast tracking your submission with all the legalities at each step. For more information, feel free to give us a call or mail us.


Feel free to contact us at ADL BUILDING DESIGN AND DRAFTING to see how we can help you with your new Project . We will be in touch to obtain more detail and provide you with a full Competitive quote.

Customer satisfaction is our main driving force.